Refund Policy
How to initiate a return, refund, or replacement request:
Please inspect your order as soon as you receive it. Contact us within 72 hours of receiving your order if you wish to request a return, refund or replacement on any defective, damaged or wrong items, so we can evaluate the issue and help you out promptly.
Our address is: Vetrivel xerox and E Service Ecenter, 72 Vellaikannu theatre street, Near Smart Bazaar, Kalavasal, Madurai, 625016, India.
Returns, Refunds, or Replacement on prepaid orders:
Cancelling is only possible through us, the refund will be issued automatically and the payment will take 5-7 days to reflect in the account.
All exchange and replacement requests are subject to stock availability.
We accept return, refund or replacement requests only if the items are not worn or washed and original packaging are retained.
We do not accept return or refund requests on any sale or clearance items.
If you have received your order and a product(s) is missing, or you’ve received the wrong product, or a damaged product - please contact us within 72 hours with a photo or video. We will replace it to ensure you get what you ordered or issue a refund instead.
If you are seeking a replacement on your order due to sizing issues, get in touch with us.
Email us at or text us on +91 9043852252.